Tree Cabling – Bracing Keller TX

Brace for it! We’ve got all of your professional tree cabling and bracing needs.
What is tree cabling and bracing?
Tree cabling and bracing is the practice of installing slightly flexible steel strand cables and braces in trees to help alleviate any stress related to high winds, weight of snow or ice, or even from the tree’s own heavy foliage. This is especially beneficial in areas where severe weather is common (like Texas).
Essentially, cabling and bracing count as supplemental structural supports for a tree acts as a way to limit movement during storms so they don’t fall off and cause further damage to the tree. Think of cabling and bracing trees like wearing a cast after you’ve broken a bone. You have to limit the movement surrounding the broken bone so it can heal correctly, just like a tree needs to keep its branches and limbs from tearing apart from the trunk.
How do you know if you need tree cabling and bracing?
Put simply, you don’t. It’s not something that you can just tell by looking at a tree. In most cases, the weak limbs on a tree are not obvious, so you should contact some professionals (Tree Service Keller is a good choice) to come and assess and inspect your tree to see if cabling and bracing is right for you.
Common structural problems:
Our professionals are trained to notice any possible structural problems on your tree. Upon inspection, our team will determine if cabling and bracing is the best option for you. Three of the most common types of structural problems include:
1. Co-dominant stems
Exactly what it sounds like, co-dominant stems share or try to dominate the same base they grow from. While this isn’t always a bad thing, it’s important to inspect the shape of the union. “V” shapes are typically an area of concern, but our team will carefully look at it. “U” shapes are not typically an area for concern, but just in case, our team will look at it as well.
2. Cracks in unions
There are two types of branch unions. Weak branch unions and strong branch unions. As described in co-dominant stems, weak branch unions are typically “V” shaped and can potentially lead to weak limbs that could fall or damage other areas of the tree or surrounding areas. Strong branch unions are typically “U” shaped and has sturdy connections that are unlikely to cause any type of harm. Of course, our team will take the time to properly evaluate your trees to ensure we’re only suggesting necessary services (to save you money!).
3. Cavities
Holes in branches, limbs, or trunks are usually weak points that need to be carefully considered. Like our teeth, trees can get cavities for any number of reasons. Sometimes it has nothing to do with not taking proper care of your tree, but rather due to cold weather, old pruning wounds (which could be avoided with Tree Service Keller), organisms that cause decay, or even high-traffic insect entry points.
Whatever the case may be, you can count on Tree Service Keller to provide you with the highest quality care when deciding whether cabling and bracing is right for you.